January Check-in and Mindful February

As I look back on January, I did pretty well for my challenge to do something active every day.  There were a few days that I failed to do something, however.  The days that I wasn’t able to do something active was mostly work related;  meaning that I had planned on doing something after work and either got home too late, or was too tired from work to do anything.  Going forward, I am going to keep up my goal to do something active every day in February, but I am going to make a bigger effort to do my activity in the morning before work.  That is the only time of day that I have control over my schedule, the only protected time I have.

For my February challenge I thought I would change it up and do something for my mind instead of something for my physical being.  So this month, I will try to practice more mindfulness in my life.  The way that I am going to go about that is to either meditate or to do a yoga workout each and every day.  Being more mindful can be useful in every part of your life, both work and home life, and so I feel like this is a good focus for February.  I downloaded the excellent meditation app called Headspace, and I will use that for guided meditation.  They have so many categories to chose from, but I think I am going to focus on mindful eating and sleep.  These are 2 areas I think I could improve on, and so hopefully this month I will make some progress in these areas.

Also, as an aside, I found another benefit to the intermittent fasting when I went to the dentist today.  I have had a few cleanings since I started IF, and they have all been the easiest, most painless, and quickest cleanings I have ever had.  So do your teeth a favor and do some fasting!  Have a great February, go out there and accomplish all your goals!