First new post in a while

It has been a really long time since I have posted anything, but I figured that now was as good a time as any.  Recently I have been looking back on my health journey, and how much things have changed since I started this blog.  When I first started, the goal was to become a better, faster bicyclist.  I thought that by fasting, and getting fat adapted, that I could achieve that.  In the last year, my focus has changed quite a bit however.  My focus went from being a faster, better bike rider to being a happier, healthier human being (who still loves to get out on the bike and tear it up!).  I put more focus on sleep because that is something that I have struggled with my entire adult life.  Part of it is because of my job, and working long hours and overnights, but a bigger part is what I do at night, and how I get ready for bed.  In the last year I stopped taking Ambien (I was taking it a couple times a week before to help sleep) and sleep better than I have ever in my entire life.  Another area of health I began to focus more on is nutrition.  Granted, some of this was not my choosing (my wife is in Nutrition School and that changed our eating habits quite a bit), but as I began to eat better I noticed a big change: I began to feel better too.  I am trying to view health and “fitness” in a holistic way instead of it meaning that I am able to ride my bike up a hill faster than I could before.  I will definitely do much more exploring on what that looks and feels like.  What this means to you, my faithful readers, is that I am going to try my best to put out blogs on these topics on as regular a basis as I can.  It will be topics that interest me, and that I can research, and hopefully will interest you and give you some food for thought.  I will definitely take requests as well, and am looking forward to the evolution of this site to mirror the transformation in my thinking and my life.  As always, thank you so much for reading!