Film LeRide Coming to Denver

Hey everyone, just wanted to tell you about this film that is coming to Denver.  Its a documentary about a man, Phil Koeghan, who re-created the 1928 Tour de France.  It happened to be one of the longest and hardest Tours ever with only 25% of the riders that started being able to finish.  Also, Phil rides it on a 1920’s bike with 1920’s gear.  It was shot in super hi-def and the footage of the classic tour climbs are like nothing you have ever seen before.  This film is a must for all cycling lovers and all Tour de France fanatics, like me.  It will only be showing in Denver one night only, March 5, 2018 at the Continental Theatre at Monoco and Hampden.  We need 60 people to reserve tickets before they will show it, but we’re already nearly halfway there.  If you’re interested, heres the link to buy tickets, your card won’t be charged unless we sell enough tickets to show the film:

Thanks and I hope to see you there!
