First Long Fast

“And so I try to understand
What I can’t hold in my hand
And whatever I find, I’ll find my way back to you”


Now that my big ride is over I have been thinking about doing a longer fast, and by that I mean 3-7 days.  I was trying to find a good time to do it, and woke up Friday morning and decided that this weekend would be the right time to start, and since I hadn’t eaten since dinner Thursday I had already started!  I am on call this weekend, so I will just be hanging around the house trying to get stuff done, and keeping my head down hoping my pager does not go off.  If I were to fast three days then my fast would end on Sunday night, seven days would end Thursday at dinner time.  As always with fasting, I am going to play it by ear and see how it all plays out.  If I’m feeling good I’ll keep it going and if I’m not feeling right I’ll shut it down.  When I start to fast, I will just drink black coffee, water, and tea and take a multivitamin and see how long that lasts.  If I feel like I need more than I will try drinking some Kombucha and eating a little bone broth with salt added.

There are many different kinds of fasts as I am sure all of you know now.  The most hardcore is the water only fast.  I am not going to do this for fear of a crushing caffeine headache, and also the fact that without a little caffeine in the morning it’s very difficult for me to get out of bed.  The other fasts are less hardcore and much easier to stick to, and that is the kind of fast I am planning on doing.  Kombucha and bone broth are acceptable in a fast because they do not have enough protein or carbs to stimulate much insulin release, and can also make your fast so much more comfortable.  Some fat in your coffee is also acceptable, and some people use cream, or butter, or coconut oil.  Again the idea is to make sure it’s a little bit of fat, which should not cause much insulin to be released by your body at all.  I am not going to do that though, I am going to stick to my black coffee and iced Americanos with no room.

I am going to do it like the science nerd that I am, so I have ketone strips, to test my urine and see how my body responds,  and a blood glucose monitor to keep an eye on my sugars, all ready to go.  I’ll add some updates along the way and then a recap after it’s all over.